Iphone PPTP Vpn Setup

Iphone PPTP Setup

Setup Instructions for PPTP (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol) on Iphone
Follow these simple steps to install VPN on your Iphone using the PPTP protocol.

Go to the “Settings” menu

iphone pptp step1 - Iphone PPTP Vpn Setup

Choose – “General“.

iphone pptp step2 - Iphone PPTP Vpn Setup

Choose – “Network“

iphone pptp step3 - Iphone PPTP Vpn Setup

Select – “VPN” from the following menu
Put a before “Save account information” and then “Connect”. You will see it connecting.

iphone pptp step4 - Iphone PPTP Vpn Setup

Choose – “Add VPN Configuration…“

iphone pptp step5 - Iphone PPTP Vpn Setup

Make sure you select “PPTP” in the top menu. Then fill in the details:
– Description (fill in a name for the VPN connection)
– Server (you can find these details in our Welcome Email or customer panel)
– Account (the account username can be found in our Welcome Email or customer panel)
– Password (you can find this in our Welcome Email or customer panel)

iphone pptp step6 - Iphone PPTP Vpn Setup

Click on “Save” to save the VPN settings

iphone pptp step7 - Iphone PPTP Vpn Setup

Make sure “✓ VPN” is selected (VPN connection you just configured) Then slide “OFF” from right to left so it goes to “ON“

iphone pptp step8 - Iphone PPTP Vpn Setup

You should now be connected!

iphone pptp step9 - Iphone PPTP Vpn Setup

First connection usually takes not more than a minute. After connection you should now see the VPN connection successfully established.

Now all your traffic is secure and you are 100% anonymous!

If you have any problems or questions, please check our Knowledge Base.
If you can’t find an answer there, you can contact our support team ([email protected]).