VPN Advantages | vpn center

VPN Advantages | vpn center

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  • January 20, 2017
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Virtual private network or VPN whatever you call it is one and the same thing. It is a solution which establishes secured network connection. These are normally deployed by organisations instead of individuals as it requires a lot of labour and capital to establish and maintain its functioning. An organisation looking for a secured network infrastructure to serve its client base VPN is the best option to be used. It has two major advantages like it is cost saving and has network scalability. Firstly it reduces the extra cost of installing leased telephone lines for communication with for the client base. And secondly the network spread could be increased or decreased as per the requirement of that particular organisation. These are easy to use thus facilitate users with an additional advantage along with the former two.

The major advantages of deploying VPN are listed below.

  • It provides complete wireless local area networking, which in other cases costs at least a hundred times more than this one.
  • VPN replaces the traditionally used T1 lines which are used to assure secured connectivity between the different offices of the same organisation at different locations.
  • The organisations can have much cheaper local leased lines with the help of VPN to continue working on their already established communication channels.
  • Business travellers who want frequent access to their organisation intranet can also use VPN to do the same.
  • The maintenance cost of servers is least in case of VPN, as there is always a third party to do all that for them in lieu of a specified amount a their fee or charges for rendering their services.

VPN’s network scalability advantage refers to the situation under which it throws light on the fact that the cost of establishing a dedicated private network by the organisation just seems to be a reasonable effort, but gradually as the size of the firm increases thee cost of that private network also increases and that too exponentially. The more the number of branches of the organisation the more the number of lines would be required to connect each branch with the main network. It is defiantly going to increase the cost for the organisation.

To avoid such an ever-increasing problem VPN could be installed to create secured and high speed communication networks within the organisation. VPN’s superior reach and high quality of service make it an apt option for far flung and international locations.

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