Easy to Setup
VPNCENTER native Android app is user friendly and very easy to set up. Just download and run. Open the app and use an interactive map to choose your encrypted destination. The application contains many user friendly features, including an in-app tech support via live chat, detailed server list, access to smartPlay technology and more.
Quick Change between servers
he app can quickly connect you to the desired destination, by simply clicking on the country name, as it automatically selects the quickest option available. For those who like to tinker with custom server options, a detailed list is available with load and distance information – change between them with a simple click.
VPN for Windows
Compatible with all Windows versions
VPN for Windows 10, 8, 7, XP, and Vista
Intuitive, user-friendly app
Unblock the internet in one click
Browse privately and securely

- Windows 8 & 10
- Windows 7
- Windows xp
Windows 8 PPTP VPN Setup Tutorial *Recommended
Windows 8 L2TP VPN Setup Tutorial
For the quickest setup on Windows, we suggest installing our vpncenter software
Windows 7 PPTP VPN Setup Tutorial *Recommended
Windows 7 L2TP VPN Setup Tutorial
For the quickest setup on Windows, we suggest installing our vpncenter software
Windows XP PPTP VPN Setup Tutorial *Recommended
Windows XP L2TP VPN Setup Tutorial
For the quickest setup on Windows, we suggest installing our vpncenter software
VPN for linux
Unblock the internet in one click
Browse privately and securely
- Ubuntu PPTP VPN Setup Tutorial
- OPEN VPN Setup Tutorial
Follow the link below
Follow the link below
Vpn for Android!
Get and Download a VPN App for Android
VPN for Android Nougat, Marshmallow, Lollipop, KitKat, and Jelly Bean
Intuitive, user-friendly app for Android
Unblock the internet with one tap
Browse, text, and share photos privately and securely
Best-in-class mobile VPN service and support
- Download APP
- Manual installation
Android PPTP VPN Setup Tutorial *Recommended
Android L2TP VPN Setup Tutorial
For the quickest setup on Android , we suggest installing our vpncenter software
Vpn for iPhone
How to Get an iPhone VPN
VPN for iPhone 6, 6 Plus, 6 S, 6 S Plus, and SE
Intuitive, user-friendly VPN app for iPhone
Unblock the internet with one tap
Browse, text, and share photos privately and securely
Best-in-class mobile VPN service and support
VPN For macOS
How to Get a VPN App for Mac
VPN for macOS, from Mavericks and Yosemite to El Capitan and Sierra
Intuitive, user-friendly VPN app for Mac
Unblock the internet in one click
Browse Safari privately and securely
Manual VPN setup tutorials
We have worked out a few tutorials with a step by step explanation on setting up your VPN connection via Vpn center. We support most popular Operating Systems like Windows, Linux, MAC OS X, Android and Iphone.
For the quickest setup on Windows, we suggest installing our OpenVPN software via the installer on the right side! You can be connected in a matter of minutes!
If you would like to know more about the differences between PPTP, L2TP or OpenVPN, you can check our knowledge base:
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